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Clandestine in Chile: The Adventures of Miguel Littin (New York Review Books Classics), by Gabriel GarcÃa Márquez

Download PDF Clandestine in Chile: The Adventures of Miguel Littin (New York Review Books Classics), by Gabriel GarcÃa Márquez
Langeweile die Freizeit oder am Wochenende oder Urlaub ohne vorteilhaft etwas zu tun zu verbringen? Hanging out auch oft einfach ist, extrem einfach. Doch genug sind, um alle von Vorteil? Es ist nicht die Zeit, die Zeit weggeworfen zu verbringen. Dies ist die Zeit, um alle Ausfallzeiten zu genießen, aber mit so bedeutenden Aufgaben. Auch Urlaub irgendwo von Urlaub haben, ist es ebenfalls von Vorteil. Und unten, können Sie ebenfalls Ihre paar Mal speichern, eine Publikation zu lesen; das Clandestine In Chile: The Adventures Of Miguel Littin (New York Review Books Classics), By Gabriel GarcÃa Márquez ist genau das, was wir für Sie gerne.
In einigen Fällen könnten Menschen glauben, dass die Analyse so groß sein wird wie auch bemerkenswert. Darüber hinaus, dass die Menschen gelesen werden, als äußerst klug Individuen betrachtet. Ist das richtig? Möglicherweise! Einer, der daran erinnert werden kann, ist diese Praxis Check-out nur durch die klug Leute nicht zu tun. Viele brillanten Individuen ebenso sorglos fühlen, zu überprüfen zusätzlich zu prüfen, Clandestine In Chile: The Adventures Of Miguel Littin (New York Review Books Classics), By Gabriel GarcÃa Márquez Es ist schicklich, dass Personen, die Praxis anders haben Charakter haben zu lesen.
Jeder hat seine Art und Weise zu lesen, zu lieben; es ist nicht nur für intelligente Individuen. Viele Menschen auch das Buch, weil nichts überprüfen. Ragt beabsichtigen Ergebnis von aktualisierten Ideen als Gedanken auch zu nehmen, vielleicht! Es könnte sein, ebenfalls das Verfahren genau, wie sie das Interesse an der Existenz der Originalitäten amüsanten Systems. Auswertung Leitfaden für alle, wird unterschiedlich sein. Man könnte denken, dass Clandestine In Chile: The Adventures Of Miguel Littin (New York Review Books Classics), By Gabriel GarcÃa Márquez extrem gerade ist, aber einige wirklich viel Spaß beim Lesen.
Die Art und Weise Sie lesen dieses Buch auf nur abhängen, wie Sie schauen und darüber nachdenken. Viele Menschen werden ihre Minuten und auch insbesondere in Bezug auf das Buch, um den Kontrast und zu berücksichtigen. Wenn Sie die Konzepte voran Führung nach diesem professionellen Autor geschrieben, können Sie Vorteile davon haben. Clandestine In Chile: The Adventures Of Miguel Littin (New York Review Books Classics), By Gabriel GarcÃa Márquez ist bereit, in Soft-Daten zu erhalten. Also, Ihr ideales Analyse buchen Sie noch heute entdecken und auch wird erhalten Sie wirklich genau das, was Sie erwarten.

"The journalism which began Márquez's Nobel Prize-winning career is employed here not only to tell Littín's remarkable story, but offer a tragic summary of Chilean politics." —The Independent (London)"Reissued nearly 25 years after its initial appearance, the book recounts a middle-aged caper, vainglorious yet genuinely gripping. Time has drained the adventure of its urgency, and our geographical and cultural distance blunts its force. Still, this remains a significant document. An invaluable preface by Francisco Goldman explains why." —The Boston Globe“Clandestine in Chile is a memoir of Mr. Littin’s six-week adventure, as told to and recast by Mr. Garcia Marquez, and a sketch for what the latter calls the film behind the film, the personal story he finds more moving than the original film project. The idea is moving, indeed dazzling...[Gabriel Garcia Márquez] seems chiefly to have lent some of his own quietly lyrical cadences to certain images and chapter endings…he evokes well the haunting cold of autumn in Chile, and gently registers the exile’s nostalgias and surprises.” –Michael Wood, The New York Times “Garcia Marquez has written a terse political thriller with shafts of insight into conflicts of identity.” –Newsweek “In Garcia Marquez’s prose, Littin’s actions become truly heroic and the clandestine hero achieves the grandeur of all popular heroes…readers now have the story of a magnificent civil disobedience.” –The Globe and Mail (Canada) “Garcia Marquez’s book is based on hours of taped interviews with Littin, and is retold in the first person, which gives it suspense and immediacy and brings embattled Chile vividly to life…it portrays a government without legitimacy, a people living in fear and a resistance movement determined to fight for change.” –The Sunday Times (London) “A rousing adventure story, this is also the best reportage available about conditions in Chile today.”“It is excellent journalism...this book remains an interesting historical document—smuggled across the Chilean border like contraband—of what life was like under the old dictator…I have never read a book that pokes quite such irreverent fun at the dangers of military power.” –The Independent (London)“Fluid and full of surprises.” –The Washington Post “Two foremost artists of Latin America meet in this breathtaking story…Clandestine is a fascinating literary journey…the book alone is celebration enough of human ingenuity and determination. I recommend it wholeheartedly.” –Marjorie Agosin, The Christian Science Monitor “Marquez re-creates the story brilliantly from taped interviews with Littin and writes it in first person.” –Claire Scobie, The Sun Hearld (Sydney) “An extraordinary if Chaplinesque adventure which would make good comedy if it did not take place against the background of one of the most repressive regimes in modern times…[it succeeds] as a reporting style swinging freely between effervescence and emotionalism.” –Courrier Mail
Über den Autor und weitere Mitwirkende
Gabriel García Márquez (b. 1928) was born in Aracataca, Colombia. He began working as a reporter while studying law at the University of Cartagena and published his first book, the novella The Leaf Storm, in Bogota in 1955. Among his best-known subsequent works are the novels One Hundred Years of Solitude, Chronicle of a Death Foretold, Love in the Time of Cholera, and The General in His Labyrinth. In 1986 he wrote Clandestine in Chile: The Adventures of Miguel Littín, about an exile’s return to the repressive Chile of General Augusto Pinochet. The political revelations of the book led to the burning of almost 15,000 copies by the Chilean government. García Márquez has lived primarily in Mexico since the 1960s, and in 1982 was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.Asa Zatz was born in Mexico and has translated nearly one hundred books. He lives in New York.Francisco Goldman is the author of four novels, The Long Night of White Chickens, The Ordinary Seaman, The Divine Husband, the forthcoming Say Her Name, and one work of nonfiction, The Art of Political Murder.
Taschenbuch: 160 Seiten
Verlag: NYRB Classics; Auflage: Main (6. Juli 2010)
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-10: 1590173406
ISBN-13: 978-1590173404
Größe und/oder Gewicht:
12,7 x 1,1 x 20,2 cm
Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
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Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
Nr. 2.378.043 in Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Bücher)
Gabriel Garcia Marquez, famous for his books, 'A Hundred Years of Solitude' and 'Love in the time of Cholera' puts on his journalistic hat again, and produced this summary of 18 hours of interview with Miguel LittÃn, a famous Chilean film director who had returned to Chile during Pinochet's regime of terror to film the condition of the country and the effects on the people. Miguel LittÃn had fled Chile after Pinochet toppled Allende in the coup and remained in exile, being on Pinochet's list of 5000 people forbidden to enter the country.LittÃn spent 6 weeks in Chile disguised as a Uruguayan businessman. Precise and detailed planning with 3 European film crews who were unaware of each other for security, filming different sections of Chile, was necessary and made possible only with the assistance of the underground resistance. In order to escape detection, LittÃn had to stay in character the entire time he was in Chile, keep an eye out for the carabineros paying attention to him, avoid calling on friends and family, make sure his teams were kept safe, the film footage smuggled out of Chile into Italy, and that they all get out before the game was up.His adventures were very cloak and dagger, meetings were a series of complicated passwords and his guardian angel was clearly working overtime because he had some incredible luck in getting out of more than a few potential dangerous situations where his disguise could have been uncovered.
Clandestine in Chile tells the story of Miguel Littin, a filmmaker who travels to Chile in disguise after being exiled. Miguel and his film crews document the human rights abuses in Chile under Pinochet and interview the victims of the regime's violence. The story is fast paced and provides a look at how much the Chilean people suffered under Pinochet (which I knew little about before reading this work). I would recommend this book to anyone who is interested in Latin American history or anyone who just wants a fast paced, interesting read.
This was a real surprise for me. It's very fast paced and gives a feel for the claustrophobic environment of Chile during the time. I have no idea how much this matched Littin's real experiences, but it's a fascinating story and I think it does give a glimpse of Chile during those times.
Excellent book for anyone interested in the other 9/11 in Chile. The Allende/Pinochet era
Reads like a spy novel, but true story. Read in three sittings. Rare for me. On time delivery, great condition.
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